fake friends

Popular phrases used by fake friends, according to psychology

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Friendship is one of life’s most cherished bonds. True friends are there to support us, bring joy, and provide companionship. However, not all friendships are genuine.

Fake friends can be manipulative, draining, and may leave you questioning your worth. Recognizing the signs of a toxic friendship is crucial for your emotional well-being.

In this blog post, we’ll delve into 10 common phrases used by fake friends. These phrases reveal their true intentions and help you identify and distance yourself from such harmful relationships.

So, are you ready to know which phrases your fake friends might be using when speaking to you? Then let’s get to it.

Here are the 10 most common phrases fake friends use:

1.) “I Was Just Kidding.”

One of the most common phrases fake friends use is “I was just kidding.” This phrase typically follows a hurtful comment or a remark that makes you uncomfortable.

Fake friends use this tactic to dodge accountability by masking their harmful words as humor. They might mock your appearance, belittle your achievements, or poke fun at your insecurities, and when you show any sign of being hurt, they brush it off with this phrase.

The issue here is that they don’t respect your feelings. Genuine friends might joke around, but they never do it in a way that intentionally harms you. If someone consistently uses this phrase to justify their hurtful comments, then it’s a clear sign they’re not as caring as they pretend to be.

Imagine feeling low about something and instead of offering support, your friend makes a joke at your expense and then says they were just kidding. It’s not about lacking a sense of humor rather, it’s about respecting boundaries and emotions.

2.) “I Can’t Believe You’re Mad About That.”

When a fake friend says, “I can’t believe you’re mad about that,” they are invalidating your feelings. This phrase is a common tactic used to make you feel like your reactions are irrational or exaggerated. They want you to question your emotions rather than addressing their behavior that caused the upset.

By making you feel like you’re overreacting, they avoid taking responsibility for their actions. True friends listen to your concerns and try to understand your perspective, even if they don’t fully agree.

If someone frequently uses this phrase, it’s a sign that they’re not interested in a healthy, respectful friendship. Have you ever felt angry or upset and when you voiced it, were met with disbelief and dismissal? It makes you doubt yourself and the legitimacy of your feelings, right? Well, this is exactly what fake friends want. Don’t allow yourself to be fooled by them.

3.) “You Know I Love You, Right?”

While “You know I love you, right?” sounds affectionate, it can often be used manipulatively. Fake friends use this phrase to cover up their bad behavior or to guilt you into forgiving them. It’s a preemptive strike meant to soften the blow of criticism or to make you feel obligated to overlook their shortcomings.

Genuine friends show their love through consistent actions, not just words. If someone frequently uses this phrase before or after hurting you, their love might not be as genuine as they claim.

True affection is demonstrated through respect, kindness and consideration, not through empty reassurances. Have you ever found yourself in a scenario where your friend repeatedly disappoints or hurts you, but follows it up with “You know I love you, right?”? If so, beware as this is most likely a manipulation tactic to keep you questioning their intentions.

4.) “I Thought You’d Be Happy for Me.”

When a fake friend achieves something and you don’t react as they expected, they might say, “I thought you’d be happy for me.” This phrase is a guilt trip designed to make you feel like a bad friend for not showing enough enthusiasm. It shifts the focus from their insensitivity or bragging to your supposed lack of support.

Real friends celebrate each other’s successes without making it a test of loyalty. They understand that everyone shows happiness in different ways and don’t manipulate you into displaying it in a specific manner.

If someone uses this phrase to guilt you into feeling a certain way, then it’s definitely a red flag for a toxic friendship. Imagine sharing good news with a friend and instead of understanding your reaction, they make you feel guilty for not reacting the way they wanted. This is an emotional manipulation that makes you put their feelings above yours. Make3 sure you don’t fall for this.

5. “Everyone Else Thinks So Too.”

Using “Everyone else thinks so too” is a way for fake friends to back up their criticisms or opinions with an imaginary majority. This tactic is designed to make you feel isolated and pressured to conform. It’s a way to gang up on you without needing actual support from others.

Genuine friends don’t need to create a false consensus to validate their opinions. They respect your individuality and don’t pressure you into thinking or acting a certain way. If someone frequently uses this phrase, it’s a sign that they’re trying to manipulate you rather than engaging in a healthy, respectful friendship.

Have you ever been told that “everyone” feels a certain way about something you did or said, making you feel ganged up on? This is a clear sign of manipulation; aiming to isolate you and make you doubt your stance.

6. “Why Are You Being So Difficult?”

Fake friends use “Why are you being so difficult?” to shut down any attempts you make to assert yourself or set boundaries. It’s a classic tactic to make you feel like you’re the problem. By labeling you as difficult, they avoid addressing the real issue at hand.

A true friend values your comfort and respects your boundaries without making you feel guilty for having them. They understand that every person has different needs and preferences and don’t pressure you into compliance.

If someone uses this phrase to undermine your boundaries, it’s a clear sign that they’re not a genuine friend. Imagine trying to set a boundary and being told you’re difficult for doing so. It’s not about being hard to deal with; it’s about having your personal space and limits respected.

7. “It’s Not That Big of a Deal.”

When someone says, “It’s not that big of a deal,” they are trivializing your concerns. Fake friends use this phrase to invalidate your experiences and make you doubt the importance of your feelings. It’s a way to dismiss your emotions and avoid addressing the underlying issues.

Real friends take your concerns seriously, no matter how small they might seem. They understand that what’s minor to one person can be significant to another and respect your feelings accordingly.

If someone frequently uses this phrase to brush off your concerns, it’s a sign that they don’t truly care about your well-being. Think about expressing something that bothers you and being told it’s not important. It dismisses your feelings and makes you question whether your concerns are valid.

8. “You’re So Dramatic.”

Labeling you as “dramatic” is a tactic used by fake friends to undermine your feelings. It’s a way to make you feel ashamed of your emotions and to stop you from expressing them. By calling you dramatic, they are dismissing your experiences and making you feel like you’re overreacting.

True friends understand that everyone has different emotional thresholds and don’t judge you for yours. They respect your feelings and provide support without belittling you.

If someone frequently uses this phrase to shut you down, it’s a sign that they’re not as supportive as they claim to be. Consider how it feels to be told you’re overreacting when you express genuine emotions. It’s a way to invalidate your feelings and discourage you from speaking up in the future.

9. “I’m So Busy.”

While everyone has busy periods, a fake friend constantly claiming “I’m so busy” to avoid spending time with you is dodging their responsibilities in the friendship. This phrase is often used to excuse their absence and to avoid making any effort to maintain the relationship.

A real friend finds ways to stay connected, even during busy times. They understand the importance of maintaining the friendship and make an effort to keep in touch.

If someone frequently uses this phrase without making any effort to see you, it’s a sign that they don’t value the friendship as much as they should. Think about reaching out to a friend repeatedly and always being met with excuses. True friends make time for each other, no matter how busy life gets.

10. “We Should Hang Out More.”

This phrase often comes from fake friends who never follow through. “We should hang out more” sounds friendly but is empty without any actual effort to make plans. It’s a way to keep you on the hook without investing in the friendship.

True friends make specific plans and follow through. They don’t leave you hanging with vague promises.

If someone frequently says this without any intention of making plans, it’s a sign that they’re not as committed to the friendship as they pretend to be. Reflect on how it feels to be given empty promises of spending time together without any real follow-through. It’s a tactic to keep you hopeful without any real commitment.

Bottom Line

Friendship should be a source of comfort, support, and joy. Recognizing the signs of a fake friend can help you protect your emotional well-being and focus on nurturing genuine relationships. Fake friends often reveal themselves through their words, using manipulative phrases to dodge accountability and maintain control. By being aware of these red flags, you can better navigate your social circles and build healthier, more fulfilling connections.

For both introverts and extroverts, understanding these dynamics is crucial. Introverts might find it particularly challenging to navigate these social nuances, while extroverts should be mindful of how their words and actions impact others. Building and maintaining genuine friendships requires effort, respect, and a deep understanding of each other’s needs and boundaries.

Real friends show their support and love through actions that align with their words. They respect your feelings, listen to your concerns, and stand by you in times of need. By identifying fake friends, you can focus on nurturing the relationships that truly matter and bring positivity into your life.


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